It’s voting season! And depending on where you live, a variety of items can appear on a ballot. The terminology can be confusing and make completing your ballot stressful. So, let’s break down the most common types of items that can appear on a ballot.
1. Candidate Elections
Elected Officials: Voters choose candidates for public office, such as Town Council Members, school board members, state legislators, governors, and national positions like the President or members of Congress.
2. Ballot Measures
Propositions: Proposals brought directly to the voters to enact new laws or approve amendments to existing laws. Propositions can be state or local and often involve policy issues like taxes, education, healthcare, or infrastructure.
Referendums: A specific type of proposition where voters decide whether to accept or reject a law or policy passed by a legislative body. This gives citizens the power to approve or veto government actions.
Initiatives: Laws or constitutional amendments proposed by citizens through petition that are put on the ballot for voters to decide.
Bond Measures: Proposals to allow the government to borrow money for specific projects like building schools, roads, or other public infrastructure. Voters decide whether to approve these bonds, which are usually repaid through taxes.
3. Constitutional Amendments
State Constitutional Amendments: Changes to the state constitution that must be approved by voters. These amendments often cover fundamental issues like voting rights, governance structures, or taxation.
Local Charter Amendments: Similar to constitutional amendments but on a local level, where changes are made to a city or county charter, which serves as the local governing document.
Before heading to the polls, do your homework. You can view sample ballots, find polling locations and register to vote through the Union County Board of Elections. Most importantly, exercise your right to vote! Stallings depends on you!